Lack of interest Extend bookmarks

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Well-known member
It would be really handy if the bookmark function had the ability to create "zones" in it that were able to deal with specific topics.
You have the ability to filter by labels... but if the bookmarked item has no label, then that filter does NO good.
What I am thinking is something similar to how a standard browser works for bookmarks, allowing the user to create a topical area that bookmarks can be placed within.
Something like
PixInSight (user created zone)
---- Processing LRGB (this would be bookmarked content)
---- Processing SHO (this would be bookmarked content)
StarTools (user created zone)
---- Processing your images (this would be bookmarked content)
Telescope (user created zone)
---- Comparison of different telescope types (this would be bookmarked content)
---- Best starter scope for new users (this would be bookmarked content)
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