Event data received from Stripe does not contain the expected values

Look in xf_purchase_request and filter provider_metadata by the value of the subscription value in the payload. If a row exists there then seems like the callback comes in before the database has been updated to store that value, especially if re-sending the same event works the second time. But would be pretty weird for that to be the case.
This error only happens for new subscriptions and not all the time. Just randomly.

I have to manually add user to the user group which is annoying for people who purchase when I'm asleep.

Hopefully something XF can fix.
Obviously the missing purchase request key (it's N/A in the failing upgrades) is the issue and why that is happening.
See above, it finds the purchase request by the subscription ID, so depending on whether that data is stored correctly will determine whether it's an issue with the locally stored data, or a potential race condition with the callback coming in too quickly.
How is that explained to Stripe, however? It took me several tries, after sending the full log entry, just to get them to understand that the transaction didn't complete and the member upgrade didn't occur.
How is that explained to Stripe, however? It took me several tries, after sending the full log entry, just to get them to understand the the transaction didn't complete and the member upgrade didn't occur.
It's likely nothing to do with Stripe aside from potentially a very quick callback, but no way to know which direction to continue debugging until at least confirming that the data XF looks for when processing the callback actually exists in the first place. Stripe aren't going to be able to debug what happens when a callback is processed, that's nothing to do with them.
It would be helpful if XF provided some sort of response, at least a progress report here.

In early January, in response to a previous report of a problem, XF support stated:

"As previously mentioned it has been reported as a bug and will be pushed in a future XenForo patch."
Stop the presses:

Seems this has also happened to us with a PayPal member upgrade. Same issue. The money is received, a notice from PayPal is received about the payment, but it is NOT updated in the forum. The customer complained about the payment and demanded a refund. Yet another lost customer.

Since it's happening on occasion with both PayPal and Stripe, it is clearly an XF problem. It would be helpful to have some updates on what's being done before more business is lost.
This error usually happens if you have multiple forums that share the same stripe account
Well, I'm testing in a localhost, I believe shouldn't have this behavior.
Moreover, how to have multiple forums sharing same stripe account if the forum's urls are different? Never heard about that because each api implementation should return to a specific address.. :unsure: Can you explain that? just curiosity
Well, I'm testing in a localhost, I believe shouldn't have this behavior.
How do you receive webhook events on localhost?

Moreover, how to have multiple forums sharing same stripe account if the forum's urls are different? Never heard about that because each api implementation should return to a specific address.. :unsure: Can you explain that? just curiosity
Stripe account can have 16 webhook endpoints so you can have 16 forums sharing the same Stripe account.
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