EU-GPDR [Deleted]


Well-known member
Alluidh submitted a new resource:

EU-GPDR - Add-on to adapt xenForo to the German / European requirements.

Not without some pride we present the first xendach add-on for the xenForo 1.5.21 or higher. In this add-on we try to combine various legal requirements and make them available in one product.

  • Areas for legally required information
  • Modular system for data protection declaration management
  • Optional options for users below the legal minimum age
  • Data protection compliant social media button (Shariff)
  • Changes to the database that can be executed from the ACP...

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Almost every single screenshot is too zoomed out to read, and the feature list doesn't make any sense.

Am I to understand that this is essentially just a templating system for a privacy policy, so admins can tick what parts of common forum things they make use of, and that will update a privacy declaration?

€59 is a very hefty price tag and I think a lot of people would appreciate a better explanation and screenshots that are actually visible :)

Hi Fillip (@DragonByte Tech),

hope its better now ;)

Am I to understand that this is essentially just a templating system for a privacy policy, so admins can tick what parts of common forum things they make use of, and that will update a privacy declaration?
Thats true. You are able to choose the needed parts and change the text to your needs id nessassary. Most of the examples has been created togehter with lawer but as we are no lawer it's not allowed to guarantee everything. The easiest way would be to compile a data protection declaration and then checked it by your own lawyer. this is considerably cheaper than having all texts produced by a lawyer.
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The screenshots are readable now, yeah :)

I'm not 100% sure I would value the ability to toggle individual portions of your privacy policy at €59. You never need to toggle individual sections of your privacy policy once it's been set, unless you are adding a new feature to your site that somehow isn't covered by the basic policy.

It's quite easy to search Google for a privacy policy, if one is not provided to you by your country's data protection office like the ICO does for UK businesses, and translation is built-in to the XenForo privacy policy system (the default privacy policy page references a phrase).

Does this do anything else other than create a modular privacy policy?

Does this do anything else other than create a modular privacy policy?
The modular privacy policy is only a part of this addon. In some countries, it is obligatory to maintain an imprint under certain conditions. this must be available at all times, as must the privacy policy and other legal areas, even if the forum is in maintenance mode. We also offer such things for a some areas (About us, Imprint, Terms of use, Data protection, Using cookies, Sending e-mails, Underage users, General Terms and Conditions of Business, Right of revocation, Two areas for independent content of your own)

Also you can make various changes to the database for the existing members, like changing the personal settings as defaults or sending mail (dobble opt out)

You can also exchange the buttons of the social media to buttons that comply with legal requirements and do not provide personal data. this for dozens of providers

And more ...

Sorry - Forgot ... in the near future the ePrivacy Policy will be active. The addon is ready to include this part also.
And a version for xenForo is work in progress ;)
@Alluidh ,

any news on the XF2 version? Matze told me that non-available spare time is the show stopper - but, heck, gimme some ;)


Servus, könnt ihr vielleicht wenigstens irgendein Zeitfenster angeben? Brauch das so dringend, wie nie zuvor... :/ Nehme auch eine Beta. Von mir aus auch eine Alpha - nur irgendwas :D
@Sperber at the moment we can't tell any schedule. Our real live get us over 100% per day and just 5-15min a day to take a look or write some code is not enough. Maybe as a x-mas present or as a start in 2019.. ;)
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