XF 2.0 Error


Active member
On running php cmd.php xf:convert-utf8mb4
landed up with:

The following tables failed to convert:
* xf_search_index: MySQL query error [1366]: Incorrect string value: '\xB1\xE1\x18\x00...' for column 'message' at row 126036
You should contact the table creator for guidance. Failure to correct this may lead to unexpected behavior.

Can be fixed?

I have reverted back to pre-run stage database.
I'm not sure how that data got inserted as it looks to be invalid (there appears to be a null value there). This might relate to data an add-on inserted.

This is a table you can rebuild (and probably should after upgrading to XF2), so you can either empty the table via the control panel or empty it via the search index cache rebuild in the control panel.

After that, you should be able to convert that table to mb4.
I'm not sure how that data got inserted as it looks to be invalid (there appears to be a null value there). This might relate to data an add-on inserted.

This is a table you can rebuild (and probably should after upgrading to XF2), so you can either empty the table via the control panel or empty it via the search index cache rebuild in the control panel.

After that, you should be able to convert that table to mb4.
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