Not a bug Error with content check - template modifications while installing style with add on enabled

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Well-known member
Affected version
2.0.10 and 2.0.11
Hi there! I was trying to install a style by themehouse and while installing I encountered an error and have narrowed it down to the content ratings add on by @Xon.

Line 80: Template tags are not well formed. Tag if was found when expecting contentcheck. - Template modifications: public:message_macros

I was able to install the style by disabling the add on and enabling again once it was installed. Although not a major issue now that I got a bypass but I’d recommend looking for fix.
Unfortunately, this is very likely down to the specific template modifications and what they may be changing (or how they interact with the changes from the third-party style). You'll likely find that the template modifications haven't applied as expected at this point, even after re-enabling the add-on.

You may need to work with the add-on (or style) author to identify what may be the specific cause.
Okay thank you. Seems like I’m getting bounced around like a bouncy ball now. I went from style creator to add on creator to XenForo and being sent back to them.
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