XF 1.4 Error uploading file to thread


I am trying to upload a 89,000kb .zip file to a post and I keep getting this error:

The following error occurred Security error occurred. Please press back, refresh the page, and try again.

Options > Attachments > Size is set to: 614,400kb
.zips are accepted files.

I already tried logging out and back in. What is going on?
Thank you
Possible mod_security issue on the server if they are using Apache? Are you running on your own site or a shared hosting environment?
If shared, have the hosting provider check the logs for what tripped the security setting if they are using Apache.
You can't generally, and specifically for what you would need to check for to resolve this issue typically.
What was the file name you were trying to upload? Usually it is something in the name that triggers mod_security. You can contact your hosting provider and advise them of the issue.
In your ACP, for the PHP info settings, what does it show for the
upload_max_filesize and post_max_size values?

You can find that in the ACP tools settings.
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