XF 1.5 Error creating child forum from admin


I'm trying to create a child forum of a category

Once the fields are filled in the spinner comes up briefly then the page remains as is.. nothing happens

in the logs I get

2016/09/08 15:37:31 [error] 3668#3668: *3936179 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: PHP Fatal error: imagecreatefrompng(): gd-png: fatal libpng error: Read Error: truncated data
in /home/forge/xxxxxx.com/community/library/XenForo/Image/Gd.php on line 86" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: xxxxxx.com, request: "POST /community/admin.php?forums/save HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/var/run/php/php5.6-fpm.sock:", host: "xxxxxx.com", referrer: "http://xxxxxx.com/community/admin.php?nodes/insert"

GD appears to be correctly installed for both php 5.6 and php 7.o which are on the server.

It seems like a curious error as there don't seem to be any images involved it's simple the title and description field filled out with text.
I've also just discovered that the forums have actually been created (even though the page stays as it is and gives no indication that they've been created), and although they appear in the admin node tree, they aren't appearing on the forum itself..
I've also just discovered that the forums have actually been created (even though the page stays as it is and gives no indication that they've been created), and although they appear in the admin node tree, they aren't appearing on the forum itself..
Is the "display on node list" box ticked?
OK some more info....

when trying to rebuild the forum cache..

2016/09/08 17:27:07 [error] 3666#3666: *5167724 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message:
PHP Fatal error:  imagecreatefrompng(): gd-png: fatal libpng error:
Read Error: truncated data in /home/forge/xxxxxx.com/community/library/XenForo/Image/Gd.php on line 86"
while reading response header from upstream,
client:, server: xxxxxx.com,
request: "POST /community/admin.php?tools/run-deferred HTTP/1.1", 
upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/var/run/php/php5.6-fpm.sock:",
host: "xxxxxx.com",
referrer: "http://xxxxxx.com/community/admin.php?tools/trigger-deferred"
Do you have an add-on that connects images to forums in some what? That appears to be doing something that's failing. It's hitting a fatal error in PHP so it can't really be trapped, but you'll likely need to post in the add-on thread regarding this as it may be triggered by a bug in their code.
Do you have an add-on that connects images to forums in some what? That appears to be doing something that's failing. It's hitting a fatal error in PHP so it can't really be trapped, but you'll likely need to post in the add-on thread regarding this as it may be triggered by a bug in their code.

I only had a couple of add-ons, none that were specifically image focussed so wasn't sure if they would. So I removed them all.

Still getting the same error.

Error is also happening when trying to rebuild any of the caches etc..

it seems odd because it's throwing an image related area in sections that tbh don't seem image related such as creating child forums etc.

So effectively now the forum is a stock standard 1.5.9 forum no add-ons at all.
Can you look at your xf_deferred table in the database and see what entries are there? I suspect this error may have already happened in a previous rebuild and that has gotten stuck. You'll likely need to remove the entry, though it appears there's a corrupt image on the system (which was previously valid, I expect).
It'll be the AttachmentThumb job that's causing this. You'll need to remove that entry. There are 2 thread deletion jobs in there (based on node IDs). I assume you deleted some nodes so that's expected.

Once that row is deleted, you should have a "there are stopped manual rebuild processes" message in the main control panel page -- click that to run them and it should work through the jobs.
Thank you very much for your help, that solved the problem :)

Is there any way to tell, identify or find which image it might be with the batch 200, position 805 in the deferred thread?
It'll be one of the next 200 xf_attachment_data records from ID 805 and up. You might be able to identify it specifically if you drop the batch size down. You'd likely then need to look in the xf_attachment table to see the content it's associated with.
It'll be one of the next 200 xf_attachment_data records from ID 805 and up. You might be able to identify it specifically if you drop the batch size down. You'd likely then need to look in the xf_attachment table to see the content it's associated with.

Thanks should be able to find it from there, just needed to know where I was looking..

Once again thanks for the help. Good luck with 2.0 :)
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