Not a bug Entire job system not processing - XF 2.3

Mike Fara

Active member
Affected version
2.3 RC5
After upgrade/migration and rebuild master data:

MariaDB [wf_test]> SELECT * FROM xf_job;
| job_id | unique_key     | execute_class       | execute_data | manual_execute | trigger_date | last_run_date | attempts | priority |
| 699939 | cron           | XF\Job\Cron         | a:0:{}       |              0 |   1719694801 |    1719694621 |        0 |      100 |
| 699942 | xfUpgradeCheck | XF\Job\UpgradeCheck | a:0:{}       |              0 |   1719817863 |    1719694022 |        0 |      100 |
| 699943 | xfCollectStats | XF\Job\CollectStats | a:0:{}       |              0 |   1720844160 |    1719694022 |        0 |      100 |
3 rows in set (0.000 sec)

Let's run all jobs...

php /web/test/cmd.php xf:run-jobs
All outstanding jobs have run.

MariaDB [wf_test]> SELECT * FROM xf_job;
| job_id | unique_key     | execute_class       | execute_data | manual_execute | trigger_date | last_run_date | attempts | priority |
| 699939 | cron           | XF\Job\Cron         | a:0:{}       |              0 |   1719694921 |    1719694861 |        0 |      100 |
| 699942 | xfUpgradeCheck | XF\Job\UpgradeCheck | a:0:{}       |              0 |   1719817863 |    1719694022 |        0 |      100 |
| 699943 | xfCollectStats | XF\Job\CollectStats | a:0:{}       |              0 |   1720844160 |    1719694022 |        0 |      100 |
3 rows in set (0.000 sec)

Not clearing...

In server error log not much going on:


More will jobs will build and never run.. not sure where to go from here.. possible bug

This is an upgrade from 2.2 (latest)


changed from Active to Server for the cron
Those three jobs are intentionally permanent. They will not be run until after the trigger_date, and when they are their last_run_date will be updated accordingly. Are other jobs failing to run? The server errors just point to a style that has not been updated for 2.3.
Those three jobs are intentionally permanent. They will not be run until after the trigger_date, and when they are their last_run_date will be updated accordingly. Are other jobs failing to run? The server errors just point to a style that has not been updated for 2.3.
woot woot its looking good over here... well done.
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