XF 1.5 Email

Im unsure if there's a thread on this, but I do not know how to setup an email server, to send the verification emails for the forum, for this reason I had to disable it, which is frustrating for spammers that are able to sign up and spam. Is there some sort of tutorial somewhere?
Im unsure if there's a thread on this, but I do not know how to setup an email server, to send the verification emails for the forum, for this reason I had to disable it, which is frustrating for spammers that are able to sign up and spam. Is there some sort of tutorial somewhere?

Did you build out your own server? Reason asking, any managed host you setup you forum on will have the email setup.

So, unless you build out your own VPS you should be good to go. If you did build out your own VPS, reference this article: https://www.digitalocean.com/commun...-using-postfix-dovecot-mysql-and-spamassassin

Are you not sending out any email at all?
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