XF 2.0 Email users - default email wrapper

Mr Lucky

Well-known member
I send a bulk email to users via Communication > Email users, and I tick

Include default email wrapper
If selected, your email content will be wrapped in the standard header and footer used in emails sent elsewhere in XenForo.

Then what is the default email wrapper? The only bit that is added to my html email is unsubscribe and the list link. Is that correct? There is no header.

The exact style of the wrapper depends on the email format you're using, but it refers to whether we'll wrap the contents in the MAIL_CONTAINER template (note that it's an email template, so you need to switch to that tab if you want to view it).

The plain text version isn't sufficient and mostly just includes a footer. The HTML version is more significant though; it does have a header (the board title) and a footer, plus background color, etc. You'll see this used in all of the "standard" XF emails.

If you don't add the wrapper, then your email will pretty much just be exactly what you enter. (If you automatically include the unsubscribe link, then that would be appended; it makes more sense if you use the default wrapper.)
OK, makes sense. I think what confused me is the wrapper for the email users doesn't contain the usual stuff at the bottom about not replying to the email, but thinking about it, that makes sense as that is specifically about replying to a thread, so contains the forum link to the thread.

I think if it's an email to users I'd want the footer to have atext saying don't reply to this, and then have a link button to the forum contact form for replies.
Just to expand, the wrapper's footer also includes anything you might've added to the specific phrases. If you edit your language and expand "commonly edited phrases" you'll see there are 2 phrases related to email footers. These would appear in all emails.

In terms of the ACP user email, you could add a mention about not replying, though that does depend on the address you send from. In terms of what we mention in watch emails about not replying, that is still the body of the email itself, though admittedly, it is footer-like. I guess it's sort of like how we have a page (wrapper) footer but smaller footers for individual blocks/sections within the page.
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Where did you guys (XF) add the bold bit above with the address? In phrases, or a template?
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