Elegance [Deleted]


Well-known member
Arty submitted a new resource:

Elegance - Light style with CSS3 gradients, shadows and Retina display support

This is a responsive XenForo style with CSS3 gradients and shadows.

Style is designed with support for high definition displays, such as Apple Retina display. Other styles look pixelated on new generation of monitors, this style looks sharp. Administrator can set separate logo for high definition and normal displays.

Style has configurable post layout. You can show poster's profile on left or right side and you can separate poster's profile from post.

Style has built-in support for most...

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Arty updated Elegance with a new update entry:

Bug fixes

This update fixes some bugs:
  • Fixed user profile page layout
  • Changed post rating icon (yellow stars) because old one looked bad on white background
  • Many fixes for Resource Manager
To update from previous version import XML file in admin control panel, overwriting old style and update the following files:
  • xenforo-ui-sprite.png
  • xenforo-ui-sprite-big.png

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Is it possible to keep our current desktop style but then use this for only responsive?

If so how?
This style is simply great. It's clean and sober which values the content. The compatibility with colorizeit is extremely convenient to get quickly the main colors of one's website.
Hats off.

A few things to change I think with the RM (probably because of the new version):
  1. The feature resource doesn't have a css, so there's just a small text to say the resource is a feature one.
  2. The filters box are at the left and I really think to close from the tabs
  3. The .listBlock.resourceImage block doesn't have a width, so the resource title and information are at the center of the screen (none mobile device)
    A 200px width for none mobile device seems to be good, then it must be adjust with responsive mode since the new resource icon will diseapear
  4. Speaking of this resource icon, it might be better to include it by default in the elegance directory
When I was configuring the ToogleME addon, I've just noticed a few things:
  • The categoryStrip title font-size is supposed to be of 12pt but it's in fact 14px. It must be hardcoded in the css template. Might be nice to use the XenForo variable, same thing for the font familly: "Open Sans','Droid Sans','Trebuchet MS',Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif" & font the font-weight (can be in the extra panel).
  • People who want to display the toggle button for widgets with your style will have to add this in the extra template
      .tglSidebar {
    Of course they will have to configure the appearance of closed widgets.
Arty updated Elegance with a new update entry:

XenForo 1.2.3 update

Elegance style has been updated for XenForo 1.2.3. Update also includes some bug fixes.

How to update from previous version:
  • Replace styles/{style directory}/xenforo/logo.og.png with new image.
  • Import XML file in admin control panel overriding previous style.
Please note that style does not support Resource Manager 1.1 yet because it has not been released. Style cannot support 2 versions of add-on at once, so it supports stable version 1.0.2

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Looks really great!
Arty said:
Style has configurable post layout. You can show poster's profile on left or right side and you can separate poster's profile from post.

Does this mean it has some kind of "vBulletin legacy postbit" look for posts? Is there a screenshot of how it looks, please?
The non-separated version looks enough "vB legacy" and is exactly what I've hoped. Will buy for further tests...
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