Does Elasticsearch work with ConfigServer Security & Firewall? On my hand Elasticsearch work if Disabled ConfigServer Security & Firewall but i Allow incoming TCP ports 9200,9300 but still are not work.
Does Elasticsearch work with ConfigServer Security & Firewall? On my hand Elasticsearch work if Disabled ConfigServer Security & Firewall but i Allow incoming TCP ports 9200,9300 but still are not work.
Does Elasticsearch work with ConfigServer Security & Firewall? On my hand Elasticsearch work if Disabled ConfigServer Security & Firewall but i Allow incoming TCP ports 9200,9300 but still are not work.
Did you resolve this? I'm having the same problem.
Time: Mon Jun 27 21:25:28 2016 -0400
File: /tmp/jna--1985354563/jna1167069209280915558.tmp
Reason: Linux Binary
Owner: elasticsearch:elasticsearch (987:984)
Action: No action taken