XF 2.1 Elastic Search - confused!


Well-known member
I know there is an option for Enhanced Search, that also requires Elastic Search to be installed on your server. But the Elastic Search options look expensive! Or am I looking at the wrong ones?

What is so good about the Enhanced Search?

Some forum members are saying the normal search isn't showing all their posts.
Elasticsearch is free software that can be installed on your server.

There are hosted options if you can’t or don’t want to add the software to your own server which obviously cost money but otherwise it is free and our Enhanced search add-on makes it so that XF uses that to index content rather than your database.
At the moment it just relates to searches - it uses less memory, has fewer restrictions, should return more relevant results etc.
Great, I will go install it then. Are there any instructions on this site or is it a case of finding them on the elastic search site?

Edit: Maybe I could ask my host to do it? They are Knownhost.

Update: Host installed it.
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There are instructions on this site about how to set up Elasticsearch and XFES. It's not that difficult, and it works well. As said ES is free. I recommend if you are administering your own server/VPS, that you add elasticsearch as a repository, so that when you do Linux updates it will grab any updates in the software so you can install them.

There are also a couple of add-ons that help enhance XFES by adding features like "typeahead" and such.

One of the add-ons is here: https://atelieraphelion.com/products/elasticsearch-essentials.10/

The other one worth note is here: https://www.xf2addons.com/resources/elasticsearch-information.507/
How can I check that my elasticsearch is working? I've installed it but not sure I've noticed any speed difference!

Edit: After playing with it for a bit, it does seem faster.

I do have a question about the amount of allocated memory.


It shows that the Documents size is 1 GB, but the allocated memory is 661KB. I thought it stores all the docs in RAM ready for instant retrieval? Or have I read those figures wrong?
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I have this element in my admin control panel that provides helpful information.

Screen Shot 2020-02-05 at 1.09.36 PM.webp

If you do a top or htop command in your Linux console, you should also be able to see the Java and Elasticsearch processes actively running.

Screen Shot 2020-02-05 at 1.13.17 PM.webp
I have a managed server and no root rights. I only have access via htaccess., php.ini and SSH. Does that mean that I don't have a chance to install Elastic Search and Enhanced Search? I'm afraid so !?
I have a managed server and no root rights. I only have access via htaccess., php.ini and SSH. Does that mean that I don't have a chance to install Elastic Search and Enhanced Search? I'm afraid so !?
No. Generally you can ONLY install ElasticSearch on a VPS or other server where you have complete admin control. Most managed server hosting companies will not install (or allow you to install) the Java software and other requirements for Elasticsearch on XF. There are a variety of reasons for this.
If you are hosted on a managed VPS without root access via WHM or otherwise, ask your host to install the necessary modules. I would noter, though, that ElasticSearch does require some additional monitoring and configuration and it may not make much difference to most small to medium size forums.

I have installed it on one medium sized forum primarily because it improved the similar threads feature. I haven't noticed any other startling improvements in how the forum works or how our members use it.

I'm not panning ElasticSearch here. Not at all. It's a nice addition to some forums. Just don't expect amazing changes on your forum.
Thank you for your quick feedback. I have my own managed dedicated server without root access. Then I have to get used to not being able to install and use elasticsearch at first. But at least the statement from djbaxter calms me down a bit. ;)
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