XF 1.5 Editor on top of thread?


Active member
In one of my subforums I would like to change the editor position. The editor textfield should appear on top of the thread. I sthis possible with XF1.5?
Should be doable, yes. But I wonder why you would want to do this?
Seems to make absolutely no sense to me, who would want to reply to a thread that he has not yet read?
Any idea how this can be done?
Yes, I do have an idea how this could be done:

  1. In Template thread_view find the the code section that starts with
    <xen:if is="{$canQuickReply}">
        <xen:include template="quick_reply">
    and copy the whole section to clipboard
  2. Modify the condition to include a check that $thread.node_id is not your special forum
  3. Navigate up inside teh template to the position where you would like to have the quick reply in your special forum
  4. Paste the content from clipboard and modify the condtion to include a check that $thread.node_id is your special forum

Untested, but should work.
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