XF 1.5 Editor on focus/blur events


Well-known member
I'm using this code:

        var ed = $('textarea.BbCodeWysiwygEditor').data('XenForo.BbCodeWysiwygEditor');

        if (ed && ed.api.isMobile())
            ed.api.$editor.on('focus', function()
                 // do something
            ed.api.$editor.on('blur', function()
               // do something

It works fine in Chrome but in Firefox, I get this error: TypeError: ed.api is undefined
If I use console.log(ed); I can see the api object.

Is there a way to fix the issue in FF or is there a better way to listen to editor's focus/blur events?
What's happening is most likely that your code is running before the editor is actually initialized. You'll likely need a slightly more robust approach, which essentially involves listening to the editor being initialized. Your file would end up looking something like this:
!function($, window, document, _undefined)
   XenForo.YourFunction = function($textarea) { this.__construct($textarea); };
   XenForo.YourFunction.prototype =
      __construct: function($textarea)
         this.textarea = $textarea;

            EditorInit: $.context(this, 'editorInitFunc')

      editorInitFunc: function(e, data)
         if (data.$textarea[0] == this.textarea[0])
            var ed = this.textarea.data('XenForo.BbCodeWysiwygEditor');

            if (ed && ed.api.isMobile())
               ed.api.$editor.on('focus', function()
                  // do something
               ed.api.$editor.on('blur', function()
                  // do something

   XenForo.register('textarea.BbCodeWysiwygEditor', 'XenForo.YourFunction');

}(jQuery, this, document);
Thank you. I have tried the code and it seems that editorInitFunc never gets called. Em I missing something? :(
That’s the code we use in XFMG to add buttons to the editor so it should work. I don’t really have anything additional to add at this point.
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