XF 2.1 Duplicate content Tags


Active member
Since I installed xenforo 2, big problems with content duplication have started to appear. How should I fix it? 98% tags is duplicate
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That site is a scam and very inaccurate. Stop using it.

I just had it scan one of my WordPress sites. It claimed it found thousands of duplicate content pages. Completely ridiculous. Most of those were categories but even at that their "findings" are nonsense. As just one example, they are matching individual WORDS on different pages and calling that duplicate content. Utterly absurd. Delete your bookmarks to that site.

Stick with Google Analytics and even there be judicious about duplicate content warnings. Duplicate content is not a penalty issue - there is no such thing as a duplicate content penalty. What Google does when it finds true duplicate content pages is index one and ignore the others. That's all.

The issue I addressed above in your question about tags is about crawl budget, where things like tags can have Googlebot chasing its tail following all those useless tag links instead of crawling your actual threads where your content is. There may be a couple of other rare instances where duplicate content can create that problem but beyond that most genuine duplicate content issues can be safely ignored (unless you're stealing content from other sites but that's a very different issue).
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