Dreaded "please enter a valid callback method" error message


Active member
File here. Anyone see the problem? TIA.
File: class LightboxFiles_LightboxStatic

Check line 1;)
there's something missing
Oh, oh! **Jumps up and down with hand up in air:**


That said, I'm having problems simply uploading ragtek's add tab thingie, so I feel your pain.
Keep getting the dreaded "Enter a valid callback method," though I uploaded it all fine before we switched which server our install was on. I even customized it to our own needs and it went fine, but now all I get (even when using your original file and placing it in the file structure same as you) is "Enter a valid callback method." Puzzled, but I'm no coding genius (aside from finding missing <?php tags when prodded) so I could be screwing something up that I'm not even aware of.
Geez, was that dumb, and funny too!!!

I won't tell you how long I looked for the problem (but given I am mentioning it, lol, it was a while).
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