XF 2.2 download xenforo as domain or subdomain


New member
I am new customer
and ideally I would like forums to be

So when I download xenforo
Do I register domain or subdomain?
Thanks In Advance ?
You register your domain as e.g. example.com and it is your choice if your installation runs at sub.example.com or www.example.com or example.com/forums

Just example.com have to match.

But it make no sense for using community.example.com/forums, just community.example.com or example.com/forums
What's do you mean by "actual URL "
I have a domain registered as "example.com"
But I want forum as "abc.example.com"
Create a folder named abc
Install your forum into that folder so it will be example.com/abc
If you create a subdomain named abc then your forum will be accessible as:
example.com/abc AND abc.example.com as well.
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