[DONE] Restrict "view" to threadcreator and certain rolls ?


New member
Hi there as for a lack of a ticketsystem for 2.x we where wondering
if there is a way to set it up that beside admin / support and mod rank
only the person that crated a thread can view and edit / answer to it?

So when you enter the Forum you see only threads you created yourself,
other users can't see those threads but team members with a certain role
can as well see and reply to it ?

Or is there a plugin for it or even a ticketsystem for 2.x ?
Andy help would be appreciated and may it only be a link to the plugin ;)

In the node permissions, make user group Registered View threads by others = no, and for moderators user group make it yes.

This is what we do for users who want to discuss something privately with admin.

We also send reports to that forum.

Works very well.
I also have that forum not viewable at all to guests, and don't have it in the forum list, just have a link to it in a sidebar for registered users only.
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