Hi there as for a lack of a ticketsystem for 2.x we where wondering
if there is a way to set it up that beside admin / support and mod rank
only the person that crated a thread can view and edit / answer to it?
So when you enter the Forum you see only threads you created yourself,
other users can't see those threads but team members with a certain role
can as well see and reply to it ?
Or is there a plugin for it or even a ticketsystem for 2.x ?
Andy help would be appreciated and may it only be a link to the plugin
if there is a way to set it up that beside admin / support and mod rank
only the person that crated a thread can view and edit / answer to it?
So when you enter the Forum you see only threads you created yourself,
other users can't see those threads but team members with a certain role
can as well see and reply to it ?
Or is there a plugin for it or even a ticketsystem for 2.x ?
Andy help would be appreciated and may it only be a link to the plugin