Donation Manager [Paid] [Deleted]

Any reason why the Euro symbol is after the amount? I've had messages from users asking why that is. Screenshot shows main page and sidebar.

View attachment 64860
You can edit the phrase yourself to fix this. I wasn't aware that it was wrong. See if you can find the phrase yourself as I can't remember it off the top of my head (try searching for EUR). Report back if you can't find it so I can find it properly for you. Added to to-do for next release.

@Robbo - still waiting for the style to be better, buttons centered sized properly, you told me to remind you periodically…
I am pretty much out of a crunch now so I will plan a release for this weekend to fix all small issues including this one.

I have a rolling goal setup for $100. We just got in a donation that surpassed the goal amount, but when the new goal was created, the remaining amount wasn't applied to that. So for example, we had $60 in donations already, and got a new $50 donation in. Why wouldn't the remaining $10 apply to the new goal? Can we possibly fix that in the next update?
Not too easy to do this but I will add it to the list for 2.0 (so not next release which is 1.1.7).
Cool, two additional questions.

- Is it easy to remove the goal tracker from the homepage (aside from the sidebar)?
- Is it possible to have secondary goals within the same goal/fundraiser? Like $175 is the main goal, but if it's reached the target's bumped up to $250 for the secondary purpose?

I went ahead and purchased and installed this. I see the options in the arm
- It isn't on the home page aside from the sidebar?
- nope

Sorry... I looked at the screenshot wrong. lol. :oops:

I did try to include some links in the description of a fundraiser, both in BBCode and in html, without any luck. Is there a way around this? If not I'd like to request the ability to link (in either way) for future versions.
Progress bar - No changes on my end, please tell me, didn't this generally start to the left and move forward to the right as the bar progressesd?

Screen Shot 2014-01-17 at 5.11.01 AM.webp

I went ahead and purchased and installed this. I see the options in the arm

Sorry... I looked at the screenshot wrong. lol. :oops:

I did try to include some links in the description of a fundraiser, both in BBCode and in html, without any luck. Is there a way around this? If not I'd like to request the ability to link (in either way) for future versions.
It is already on the feature list for 2.0.

Progress bar - No changes on my end, please tell me, didn't this generally start to the left and move forward to the right as the bar progressesd?

View attachment 65000
That is very weird. Can you PM me your site so I can fix in this weekends patch.
Progress bar - No changes on my end, please tell me, didn't this generally start to the left and move forward to the right as the bar progressesd?

View attachment 65000
A combination of generic class names from the addon and custom styling on you end is probably the issue

Throw this in extra.css, it should straighten you out.

.sectionMain .section.donationSidebar .progressBar .progressGraphic {
    float: left;
Having a strange issue hoping someone can assist with..

Im use donation manager (obviously), I then use user group promotions to apply new ranks to people on my forums.
I have a few tiers, for example, donor1 ($10-$19), donor2 ($20-$39), donor3, (40-79), and so on..

I have had this happen multiple times and not sure where to look, but say someone does a normal $20 donation (which is how it shows in donation log), it sets them to donor 3.

I have double/triple checked that donor2 promotion actually applies donor2 and not 3, and checked 3 as well. The prices are right, almost feels like a bug somewhere, or something I'm overlooking.
Screenshot the criteria for each so we can have a look as well? You sure they haven't donated twice? Second time being enough to put them into the 3rd group?
Absolutely sure. the last one was a first time donator. I had seen this happening and assumed it was multi-donations causing it.
Donor2 Promotion group

Donor3 Promotion Group

On the second image of each group, nothing else is selected for criteria, just the dollar amounts.
Screenshot the criteria for each so we can have a look as well? You sure they haven't donated twice? Second time being enough to put them into the 3rd group?
Heres something interesting to note..
I had a user do 2 $10.00 donations, and it set him to donor2 as you'd expect..
It also includes anonymous donations from that user. So maybe they made one as anon and later one not as anon and they both added up to enough?
Just an update. The next version which fixes the style issues is in testing. Has been since the weekend, want this to be the last 1.1.x build set as stable. Content updates are next with updated product pages and an FAQ. The donation manager is feature locked until after all content is updated and other add-ons have been made stable. However you can still request features (the 2.0 feature list is already large, may as well add more).
I can't seem to find the donation page. Like, the page itself that users donate through. I'd rather not have to use the sidebar.
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