Donation Manager [Paid] [Deleted]

Stupid question I am sure. Got a notification that a registered user couldn't see past the donation page I think and said they didn't have permissions. Anyway, went in to settings... Can you explain what these do all specifically? I am trying to figure exactly what all users have or do not have access to:

Obviously, I want anyone to be able to donate, including guests. But "View Index" what does this mean exactly? The difference between view donation list, and view donor list... I assume this mean the user can view just the donation AMOUNTS themselves? Or with Donor List can view just WHO has donated? Or can set it to where if BOTH are checked off, the user will see WHO donated, AND how much... am I correct? But, they won't have access to any kind of abilities to change/modify anything within the donations or who donated correct? I guess my biggest question is "View Index" and what exactly THAT means.
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Submit Donation is obviously for submitting and is used to determine if the user actually sees the Donation button.

View Donation Navigation Tab is to show the tab and will show even if they can't see anything else, so is more like a enable/disable switch for showing the link in the nav bar.

View Index is any page to do with the donation manager. Index is probably a bad name for this one as the other permissions will depend on it.

View Donation List is the ability to see any list of donations. This includes the sidebar block, the recent donations from the goal page and the full listing.

View Donor List is the same as above but for the donor lists instead.

after upgrading from XF 1.2.0 to 1.2.1, i get an alert for 2 files of dination manager, when I do the file health check:

Dateiintegrität überprüfen
Mögliche Probleme
  1. library/Merc/DonationManager/FileSums.php Diese Datei enthielt nicht die erwarteten Inhalte.
  2. library/Merc/DonationManager/Listener.php Diese Datei enthielt nicht die erwarteten Inhalte.

Are there any updates available?
Those 2 are fine, that is a bug in the file health checksums and not the manager itself, nothing to worry about there, false positives.
The next update won't have responsive stuff in it. But I am adding it to the list now for the following one.
When will there be an update, that the templates are responsive ?
Most of it is pretty much responsive out of the box already, using default XF styling.

The merc_goal page only needs the two boxes changed,

.goal .goalInfo change its padding in responsive sizes
.goal .goalInfo li give it 100% width and float none so they block on mobile devices in portrait. Landscape should be fine side by side with padding removed above.
.donationList .donorAvatar you may want to display none the avatar for mobile portrait view.
Change the form field widths to use max-width instead of width.

Otherwise, what else doesn't work on mobile?

I will try and post a responsive update for you later, that you can add to your extra.css.
Not without you doing custom coding. However I like the idea of it being in a notice. So I am adding that to the feature list todo.
Not so much in the notice, but below it or above it? As you can see in my attachment on my current site -it's visible on home page. Is this possible?


  • Screen Shot 2013-09-02 at 6.16.45 AM.webp
    Screen Shot 2013-09-02 at 6.16.45 AM.webp
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When I add it for notices I can most likely make it so it can go above or below them as well. But this won't be in for a while.
Yeah it is by default. If you use XenPorta then I will not support it. If you use the widget framework I will have a release for it shortly.
I do have widget framework. Will be happy with update for sidebar. I pay the host bill and then some with donations! It's my bread and butter - like it be "exposed!" for ease of use.;)
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