Doesn't time fly?


I have the layout.. but styling *sigh* I hate styling so bad.... do you want to style for me, Kev... since this is all your fault anyway? hehehe

Seriously though, I visit here daily, I just rarely post - I rarely post anywhere though so it's not unusual :D
I gave up styling any software of any kind after the vB4 betas were available. :( For converting my main vB site to XF I took Shelley's advice and contacted Kim (Xenique) about a new unique XF custom style. The rest of the sites I'll muddle my way through. (Unless somebody takes pity on me and offers some styling help. :LOL:)
If the site was established I could be tempted to pay for a custom style... but not for a site that mightn't go anywhere :D I just detest styling lol
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