XF 1.3 Does Xenforo Display a Thank You Message to Members Who Upgrade?


Active member
I asked a few questions the other day about using the Xenforo upgrade system. I am now giving serious consideration to implementing it on one of my forums.

Can someone please confirm the process of a user upgrade. Specifically, I would like to know if XenForo automatically redirects the member to a confirmation page on the forum after payment. Or to put it another way, does the member remain on PayPal after upgrading or are they sent back to the forum using a redirect.

If they are redirected, can someone please advise what template controls this and what is the URL.

After purchase there are a number of options provided by PayPal. One of those is to return back to your site, I can't remember what the other one is - presumably some page on PayPal.

Clicking to return you back to your site takes you back to this page:


Which looks like this:


You can edit the template responsible for that page:

Thanks for the prompt reply Chris. I have taken a note of this for future reference.

There does not seem to be any option in the user upgrade settings area to specify whether a user is automatically redirected or not. If the user is not automatically redirected, I would not be able to track conversions as the user might click away after buying - something which they could not do if they were redirected to the page you noted above.
You can add a URL in your PayPal account under Website Payment Preferences to redirect users to after a completed purchase. Not sure if this is only for Premium account or not.

Selling Tools -> Selling Online -> Website Preferences
You can also add a URL in your PayPal account under Website Payment Preferences to redirect users to after a completed purchase. Not sure if this is only for Premium account or not.

Selling Tools -> Selling Online -> Website Preferences

Thanks. I actually already use that on my private forum (though that accepts payments through Amember).
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