XF 2.1 Does anyone here know what this node icon mean?

Jake Sully

Active member
Noticed my node icons changed from chat boubbles into this creepy icon, on my forum.

I have no idea why it changed and i want to know how to get default boubble icon back.

So i hope there is a easy way to change it back.

Note: If i posted this in wrong section, then mod/admin is welcome to move it to right area.
Update: Found what was behind this icon change. It was an addon, named

[TH] Holidays 2.1.0​

Apparently this addon changes node icons after holidays theme/style.
An icon can't get changed on its own. If you didn't change it, it means someone else did.
well doubt some 1 else did, since i use 2FA and you need 2FA to access admin area. So yeah, i still maybe think this could be trick like some php scripts do that if they noticed pirated copy it will change something on it to show others this is pirated copy of script or something.

But i do like to change icon back.
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