Do you use XenForo bookmark system?

Do you and how you use XenForo bookmarks system?

  • Heavily

    Votes: 7 10.8%
  • Moderately

    Votes: 15 23.1%
  • Rarely

    Votes: 28 43.1%
  • Never

    Votes: 11 16.9%
  • What feature are you talking about?

    Votes: 4 6.2%

  • Total voters
The bets thing might be the word bookmark.

This would work for normal people but obviously not cryptic enough.
I have Bookmarks in xF1.5, via add-on, and in reviewing non-core functionality to be retained upgrading into xF2.2, it was in the top 5 nominated by members. Over 6k bookmarks in the DB, and very easily migrated across to core xF.

My gripe is you can't search them or see the labels used as a list or cloud.
This, it's such a constraint on xF Bookmarks IMHO. Members are NOT going to like having to go through an individually label their bookmarks, just because xF hasn't provided a search of them.
I think I will change mine to star as an experiment and watch usage. Anyone know how? And yellow instead of orange, when marked?
Add to extra.less template...

To change to star:
.bookmarkLink:before {
    content: "\f005";

To change color when selected:
Code: {
    color: #1a73e8;

Hex color in css above is to match Chrome "Blue" Bookmark color.
I voted heavily because I definitely use it here for important posts. My forum on the other hand isn't big enough for me to use it at this time.

That said, and I don't mean to derail this... I saw a CSS edit in some thread (I thought it was the HYS but I can't find it) that put a faint line under the icons in the editor to separate the typing area and can't seem to find it because I didn't bookmark it. If you know where this is, please message me. :)

Edit: Someone messaged me the post and I now have it bookmarked!
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That I would have recognized. Even Firefox on Apple or Linux uses the star.
And, the behavior is that of a browser bookmark. The way you save, edit, delete etc. The bookmark symbol seems to mimic Twitter, but I looked and have 0, and also can't even find how to bookmark 😅 . So star it is!
Add to extra.less template...

To change to star:
.bookmarkLink:before {
    content: "\f005";

To change color when selected:
Code: {
    color: #1a73e8;

Hex color in css above is to match Chrome "Blue" Bookmark color.
Thanks! There you go @Seeker-Smith
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Looks better to me and I opted not to change the color, use the default highlight color. Will report back.

(Was actually thinking it could be yellow unbookmarked, for attention, and your highlight color bookmarked. But for now trying as-is.)
As already been said, I think this feature is more for power-users.

I checked my forums and in the database, I can see that users on one of my more tech-oriented forums use bookmarks pretty much. But I have guides and FAQ on the forum on how to use certain forum features. It helps users a lot.
Add to extra.less template...

To change to star:
.bookmarkLink:before {
    content: "\f005";

To change color when selected:
Code: {
    color: #1a73e8;

Hex color in css above is to match Chrome "Blue" Bookmark color.
Hello, this code works fine except in Resource, how can i get the same for resources pages ?
Many thanks ! :)
Hello, this code works fine except in Resource, how can i get the same for resources pages ?
Many thanks ! :)
The code below will work in Resource manager too...

.bookmarkLink:before, a.button.button--icon--bookmark>.button-text:before {
    content: "\f005";
}, .button-text:before {
    color: #1a73e8;
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