Do you have the custom BBcode manager installed ? [ bb code manager by cclaerhout / King Kovifor]

Do you have the custom BBcode manager installed ? [Custom bb code manager]

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Currently we only use it for one BB Code at

We created a [ box] bbcode.

Has an option of left or right. Simply is a styled div that floats left or right and we use it as an inline container for screenshots in news posts.
I've got it installed. We are using the default installed BBCodes it comes with, along with google mp3 player, sub and super script.
It's entirely custom, but we never released it. Something similar is included in the package (I think). At least, we have one in our list called FLOAT. Not sure if that's included or a test one we did.

Tag: [box]
Start Replacement: <div class="%s-boxout" style="font-style: italic; font-size: 11px; color: white; text-align: center;">
End Replacement: </div>

And that's it. We've had it since the beginning so there's no button in our editor or permissions. It is primarily used by writing staff.

Here's an example:
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