Lack of interest Display previous conversations with the member, when starting a new one.

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Well-known member
When I want to start a conversation with a member, I often need to check what conversations I had before with the member.
On xenforo this is nearly impossible because there is no conversation search. But even if conversation search is added at some point, it would still be nice if starting a new conversation would show previous conversations. Because often it would be better to continue an existing conversation than to start a new one.
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because there is no conversation search.
In the mean time....

The conversation list has "Started by..." and "Received by..." Filters that let you quickly and easily find all conversations that were started by a specific member or received by a specific member. I was able to find all of our conversations in seconds. Comes in pretty handy when you have a lot of conversations to manage.

Selection_988.webp Selection_989.webp
When I want to start a conversation with a member, I often need to check what conversations I had before with the member.
On xenforo this is nearly impossible because there is no conversation search. But even if conversation search is added at some point, it would still be nice if starting a new conversation would show previous conversations. Because often it would be better to continue an existing conversation than to start a new one.

This is better suited to some kind of chat implementation.

I agree with better search/PC organisation etc. But the system as it stands is more akin to email, so you should be able to find all individual PC threads with a user more easily.

Chat is just a single long conversation thread, which always shows you the previous chat history when you load the chat.
This is better suited to some kind of chat implementation.

I agree with better search/PC organisation etc. But the system as it stands is more akin to email, so you should be able to find all individual PC threads with a user more easily.

Chat is just a single long conversation thread, which always shows you the previous chat history when you load the chat.

You should try out modern email clients. They show the entire history aswell:
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