XF 2.2 Discussions Per Page


Well-known member
Seems the default is 20, currently I have mine at 40 because new discussions just fall off the page in a few minutes. Can I increase this more? Are there any serious down sides to having 60 or more discussions per page?
Other than hitting the DB with a higher load for each page load? Not much probably. If you got the resources to throw at it, or the lower traffic to support it, you probably won't have any major issues... but personally.. I'd probably not do over 30 (think mine is at 25, but it may still be default).
Otherwise, look to the "never-endng story" possibly of non-stop scrolling. I'm not sure, but I think at one time there was an add-on that allowed that.
Seems the default is 20, currently I have mine at 40 because new discussions just fall off the page in a few minutes. Can I increase this more? Are there any serious down sides to having 60 or more discussions per page?

Hi @JamesBrown,

I've gotten some requests for more conversations per page (40 send to be the consensus), so I wonder what you've found. Did you make a switch? To how many discussions per page? How's it been?

A related question I have is about redirects for links that include page numbers. We've got 2.5 million posts, so that's a lot of links in Google and throughout the site pointing to other posts -- do all of those automatically get pointed to the right place when I change this setting?

Thanks for any advice you can offer!
- do all of those automatically get pointed to the right place
all links would work. links pointing to actual permalink (https://xenforo.com/community/threads/discussions-per-page.214250/post-1702146) would also link to proper post. but some links with hashtag bookmark link probably would break as they could be pointing to wrong page sequence. overall, nothing would point to 404 as pages to non existing pages would fall back to last page of the thread.
all links would work. links pointing to actual permalink (https://xenforo.com/community/threads/discussions-per-page.214250/post-1702146) would also link to proper post. but some links with hashtag bookmark link probably would break as they could be pointing to wrong page sequence. overall, nothing would point to 404 as pages to non existing pages would fall back to last page of the thread.

Perfect! Thanks!!!
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