As designed Discussions Per Page is maxed out at 100


Well-known member
XF 1.1.0 beta 3
Options > Threads, Discussions and Conversation > Discussions Per Page = 2000 and it will revert back to 100
Yes, that is by design for performance reasons.

Do you really want to set it to 2,000?
For perfomance reasons it is possible to provide a theme conclusion in a format plain text (without a graphics), but in a many posts?
In vBulletin - PDA version (path site/archive).
Yes, that is by design for performance reasons.

Do you really want to set it to 2,000?
I tried to delete all threads under a forum which has 2000+ threads. That was my reason.
I guess the point will be moot when XF has a builtin delete all threads function.
Google does not understand that second page is part of the same discussion. Those who want the option to have more than 100 should have it and that includes me.
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