DiscussionHub.io | General Discussion Community

Just a quick update to announce that we now have some brand new items in the Discussion Hub Shop. These items have been hinted at for a while now and they are now available to purchase with your hard-earned Hubux and Winbux!

New items include Custom User Title Styles, Custom Username Fonts, Username Sparks & Effects etc.

I can't wait to see your new username styles and do let us know what you think about the new items :). We will be slowly adding more items to the shop over the next few weeks, including exclusive items for certain user groups.

Make sure to check them out and let us know what you think about them - https://discussionhub.io/dh-shop/

Would love to hear what you guys think of the new shop items and if you have any ideas for some new ones ;)
More of a general comment, but I simply love the community you've got over at Discussion Hub. It's full spirit that every administrator strives for and it shows in its activity, it really is reminiscent of forums of old which gives it that nostalgic feel.

You've done a fantastic job Ash. Keep it up, and who knows what the future could hold.
With the festive period beginning, it's time for everyone to enjoy the Christmas period at Discussion Hub!

The biggest new festive addition is, of course, the Discussion Hub Advent Calendar. Open up the advent calendar every day to find a nice little surprise that ranges from Hubux gifts, special awards, and little shoutouts to our most prominent members of the community!

You can click here to access the advent calendar or click the dedicated link on the homepage.

And, as ever, we will be turning on the special Christmas decorations on the 1st of December. Keep an eye out for some snow!

Would love to hear what you guys think about our Christmas event :)
Hey Ash! I've been a part of your community since it's rise, which I believe was 2 years ago? Honestly, the community of members here are so friendly and down to earth. I think you've done an excellent job of building up the community. Look forward to seeing many more years.
Hey Ash! I've been a part of your community since it's rise, which I believe was 2 years ago? Honestly, the community of members here are so friendly and down to earth. I think you've done an excellent job of building up the community. Look forward to seeing many more years.
Just under, I believe we will be 2 years old in May so that will be quite exciting. Thanks for the kind words JoyFreak :)

We have made some slight amends to the Discussion Hub V1 themes so I would love to hear what everyone thinks. The biggest changes have been made to the V1 light theme since that received very little attention from me previously.
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