Duplicate Discussion post is not made by author


Affected version
If you add members to a resource team and they update the resource
the discussion post is not made by them.

Its posted by the original author of the resource.

Maybe its by design, but in my opionion this is a bug, because the updates shows the resource team member that did the update as the author.

So its at least not consistent.


Seems that its by design, buts this is utterly crap cause you will give credit to the updater and not the owner of the resource.
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Maybe its by design, but in my opionion this is a bug, because the updates shows the resource team member that did the update as the author.

So its at least not consistent.
It was noted in the bug you linked to, but it's worth pointing out that only team members can see which member published an update. That information is hidden from regular visitors.
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