After carefully checking the code I believe that at the very least there are parts of your style that are derived from
@hirowatch's style.
While it is not entirely unexpected for you to be using a very similar colour scheme (that's the point) and there are definitely small differences, there are also quite a lot of similarities.
Almost every single customized style property is identical in both versions of the style. Again, in some cases, this is not unreasonable due to the intention of aiming for a specific colour theme.
However, in others, it appears as though there are some properties which are too identical to be a coincidence.
Specifically two properties which I found suspicious were these:
<property property_name="fontWeightLight" group_name="fonts" title="Light font weight" description="" property_type="value" value_type="number" depends_on="" value_group="weight" display_order="2100" addon_id="XF">
<property property_name="fontWeightNormal" group_name="fonts" title="Normal font weight" description="" property_type="value" value_type="number" depends_on="" value_group="weight" display_order="2000" addon_id="XF">
has been customized in both styles from the default of
to be
has been marked as customized in both styles but the value hasn't actually changed. This would either mean a coincidence occurred whereby both authors mistakenly changed the same property, and then set the value back to default without reverting it, or the styles came from the same XML file originally.
It is also an unusual decision I think to change the
value so it is actually bolder than
The changes between the two styles are minimal so at this point I think it's best we remove the style and then
@inzanty and
@hirowatch should discuss this in more detail, in private, and decide how to proceed.