XF 1.5 Disable dropdown menu under the tab "Help"

This should be suffecient in the extra.css template:
.navTabs .Popup .SplitCtrl
{display: none !important;}
It works for me for many different styles also.

@Betclever You should never delete any code straight out of the templates. either use the template modifaction system or just comment out the code in the templates.
This should be suffecient in the extra.css template:
.navTabs .Popup .SplitCtrl
{display: none !important;}
This does not disable the Forums drop down menu for me.

When I hover over the Forums tab I still get the drop down menu with "Search Forums" and "Recent Posts" -- I actually had this fixed already on my other XF site so I need to dig into the navigation template code and see what I did there.
This does not disable the Forums drop down menu for me.

When I hover over the Forums tab I still get the drop down menu with "Search Forums" and "Recent Posts" -- I actually had this fixed already on my other XF site so I need to dig into the navigation template code and see what I did there.

Did you remove the red code for every tab in that template?
OK, this is what’s working now to disable the Forums tab drop down.

<!-- forums -->
        <xen:if is="{$tabs.forums}">
            <li class="navTab forums {xen:if $tabs.forums.selected, 'selected', 'Popup PopupControl PopupClosed'}">
                <a href="{$tabs.forums.href}" class="navLink">{$tabs.forums.title}</a>
                <!-- <a href="{$tabs.forums.href}" class="SplitCtrl" rel="Menu"></a> -->
                <div class="{xen:if {$tabs.forums.selected}, 'tabLinks', 'Menu JsOnly tabMenu'}">
                    <div class="primaryContent menuHeader">
                        <div class="muted">{xen:phrase quick_links}</div>
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