Developer Tools

Developer Tools 1.5.0

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Hi @TickTackk i got the following error if i try to "build" an addon.
Server error log

    ErrorException: [E_WARNING] DOMDocument::loadHTML(): htmlParseEntityRef: expecting ';' in Entity, line: 3 src/addons/TickTackk/DeveloperTools/_vendor/league/html-to-markdown/src/HtmlConverter.php:130

    Generated by: Administrator May 22, 2020 at 7:02 PM

Stack trace

#0 [internal function]: XF::handlePhpError()
#1 src/addons/TickTackk/DeveloperTools/_vendor/league/html-to-markdown/src/HtmlConverter.php(130): DOMDocument->loadHTML()
#2 src/addons/TickTackk/DeveloperTools/_vendor/league/html-to-markdown/src/HtmlConverter.php(99): League\HTMLToMarkdown\HtmlConverter->createDOMDocument()
#3 src/addons/TickTackk/DeveloperTools/Service/AddOn/ReadmeBuilder.php(725): League\HTMLToMarkdown\HtmlConverter->convert()
#4 src/XF/Service/ValidateAndSavableTrait.php(40): TickTackk\DeveloperTools\Service\AddOn\ReadmeBuilder->_save()
#5 src/addons/TickTackk/DeveloperTools/XF/Service/AddOn/ReleaseBuilder.php(27): TickTackk\DeveloperTools\Service\AddOn\ReadmeBuilder->save()
#6 src/XF/Service/AddOn/ReleaseBuilder.php(46): TickTackk\DeveloperTools\XF\Service\AddOn\ReleaseBuilder->prepareDirectories()
#7 src/XF/Container.php(270): XF\Service\AddOn\ReleaseBuilder->__construct()
#8 src/XF/App.php(1570): XF\Container->createObject()
#9 src/XF/Container.php(228): XF\App->XF\{closure}()
#10 src/XF/App.php(2776): XF\Container->create()
#11 [internal function]: XF\App->service()
#12 src/XF/Mvc/Controller.php(738): call_user_func_array()
#13 src/addons/TickTackk/DeveloperTools/XF/Admin/Controller/AddOn.php(33): XF\Mvc\Controller->service()
#14 src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php(350): TickTackk\DeveloperTools\XF\Admin\Controller\AddOn->actionBuild()
#15 src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php(257): XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatchClass()
#16 src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php(113): XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatchFromMatch()
#17 src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php(55): XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatchLoop()
#18 src/XF/App.php(2184): XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->run()
#19 src/XF.php(391): XF\App->run()
#20 admin.php(13): XF::runApp()
#21 {main}

Request state

array(4) {
  ["url"] => string(49) "/admin.php?add-ons/ITM-CheveretoIntegration/build"
  ["referrer"] => string(47) ""
  ["_GET"] => array(1) {
    ["add-ons/ITM-CheveretoIntegration/build"] => string(0) ""
  ["_POST"] => array(0) {
TickTackk updated Developer Tools with a new update entry:

New features and bug-fixes

  • New: Arguments must now be passed to tck-devtools:build-readme in order to build any of the 3 different output formats
  • New: A new argument can be passed to tck-devtools:build-readme in order to copy the resulting file to the _no_upload directory
  • New: Support for @Xon's require-soft recommendations parameter in addon.json
  • Change: Stop building readme...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Would it be possible to add a “style chooser” on the template modification screen? Currently when you test one, it tests against the master style. I would like to be able to choose a style, load that template and test with it.
This would really simplify the testing of TM’s against custom styles.
TickTackk updated Developer Tools with a new update entry:

Mostly compatibility fixes existing add-ons

  • Change: Improvement to how XF\PermissionCache class is extended (#99) (Thanks @Xon)
  • Change: Disable the "View template modifications" feature of this add-on if standard library 1.5.0+ is detected (#101)
  • Fix: Many hard-coded text instead of using phrases in "View template modifications" page (#100)
  • General code improvements and compatibility fixes

Read the rest of this update entry...
I'm trying to use the Entity creator but not having luck.

trying a simple no relation setup:

C:\xampp\htdocs\xf>php cmd.php tck-devtools:create-entity-from-table NS/MyMod, xf_mytable, null
Add-on could not be found.

I've tried many ways including the binary representation of the Addon ID and i can't get it. What is the correct syntax?
I am not sure if this is intentional or not, but when building a release ZIP from ACP the XML files in _data do not get updated, so they might be out-of-date (or completely missing if the Add-on was never exported or build from CLI) in the generated ZIP .

IMHO this should work just like CLI xf-addon:build-release which first does an export to ensure the files are up-to-date.
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