DragonByte Tech
Well-known member
Currently, if we wish to send email instantly, we are able to override the email transport using code like so:
However, there is no way to override the transport in the mail queue:
...at least, not without overriding the whole
For this reason, I would like to request a minor change to the above code block:
And a new function at the bottom of the file:
Use case: I would like to determine whether the transport should be overridden by inspecting the headers in the message. When queuing the email, I would set a header like
The reason why the transport may wish to be overridden is simple; certain email services such as Google Apps do not allow you to send promotional / bulk email via their service, or have restrictive email per hour limitations to prevent bulk email.
For that reason, a website administrator would wish to use these email services for transactional email (account registration / contact us emails) to maximise deliverability, but would want to revert to the server's own mail server (or a 3rd party system) to send bulk email.
I can't foresee this change requiring much development time to implement nor test during QA, so I'm hoping this can be implemented for 2.1.3
if ($mailingList->email_transport['emailTransport'] != 'default')
/** @var \XF\Mail\Mailer $mailerClass */
$mailerClass = \XF::extendClass('XF\Mail\Mailer');
$transport = $mailingList->email_transport ? $mailerClass::getTransportFromOption(
$mailingList->email_transport['emailTransport'], $mailingList->email_transport
) : null;
However, there is no way to override the transport in the mail queue:
if ($mailer->send($message, null, $record))
$this->db->delete('xf_mail_queue', 'mail_queue_id = ?', $record['mail_queue_id']);
public function run($maxRunTime)
.For this reason, I would like to request a minor change to the above code block:
if ($mailer->send($message, $this->getTransport($message), $record))
$this->db->delete('xf_mail_queue', 'mail_queue_id = ?', $record['mail_queue_id']);
And a new function at the bottom of the file:
protected function getTransport(\Swift_Mime_Message $message)
return null;
Use case: I would like to determine whether the transport should be overridden by inspecting the headers in the message. When queuing the email, I would set a header like
X-DBTech-Mailing-List: 1
and look up whether mailing_list_id = 1
should override the transport in the \XF\Mail\Queue
class.The reason why the transport may wish to be overridden is simple; certain email services such as Google Apps do not allow you to send promotional / bulk email via their service, or have restrictive email per hour limitations to prevent bulk email.
For that reason, a website administrator would wish to use these email services for transactional email (account registration / contact us emails) to maximise deliverability, but would want to revert to the server's own mail server (or a 3rd party system) to send bulk email.
I can't foresee this change requiring much development time to implement nor test during QA, so I'm hoping this can be implemented for 2.1.3