XF 2.2 Deletion of a thread by a super admin does not show up in moderator or admin log - why?


Good evening

I am a super admin in my forum and for test purposes, I deleted a thread (not "forever"). I expected to see this action in the moderator log, but it is not there. Also not in der Admin log.


Aren't these logs supposed to log every single action taken by mods and admins?

Just tested in my dev by deleting both a post and a thread using my superadmin account and both were logged just fine. So not a problem with Xenforo out of box. Thread and post deletions go in the Moderator Log no matter who does the deletion. Any add-ons that might come into play? I don't know that there is a configuration that would prevent logging of deletions but it is not something I have gone looking for.
So I checked the log again and it is strange: is say user xy deleted a thread "yesterday" but it already said that two days ago. So it is not updated. I checked the Recreate Cached and Indices option but did not find a Mod Log anywhere. Also, I cannot create such an action in the time based actions.

How do I get my mod log updated now? :)

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