Let's imagine you have a forum for singers, bands, groups.
Every {item} has one thread, people care much to have no second thread for singers, bands, groups.
People add many new names, it is a hobby for many users to find new names and add them with a thread to the forum.
Many of the these threads have new posts, some more, some less, but some of these posts have no posts.
So we could delete them after some time?
{delete all threads with age > 2 years, and replay_count=0 for example}
All these threads are in Google; and the question is now:
Can I measure, when a thread was visited the last time, or how many times in the last month, for example?
Yes, we can say: Hey, if nobody writes about ABBA, then delete this thread!
But maybe ABBA brings 123 users every month from Google; not much, but if you have 1000 of threads bringing 123 people from Google to the forum, it is not so bad, right?
Do we measure the clicks of guests?
Do we have the date of this measuring?
Do I need a log like:
date | thread_id|user_id or 0
to calculate a value and decide which threads we delete and which one we let there.
Maybe Analytics can help?
Or might be this is nonsense, and we should just delete everything older than two years when there is no reply?
Every {item} has one thread, people care much to have no second thread for singers, bands, groups.
People add many new names, it is a hobby for many users to find new names and add them with a thread to the forum.
Many of the these threads have new posts, some more, some less, but some of these posts have no posts.
So we could delete them after some time?
{delete all threads with age > 2 years, and replay_count=0 for example}
All these threads are in Google; and the question is now:
Can I measure, when a thread was visited the last time, or how many times in the last month, for example?
Yes, we can say: Hey, if nobody writes about ABBA, then delete this thread!
But maybe ABBA brings 123 users every month from Google; not much, but if you have 1000 of threads bringing 123 people from Google to the forum, it is not so bad, right?
Do we measure the clicks of guests?
Do we have the date of this measuring?
Do I need a log like:
date | thread_id|user_id or 0
to calculate a value and decide which threads we delete and which one we let there.
Maybe Analytics can help?
Or might be this is nonsense, and we should just delete everything older than two years when there is no reply?