Well-known member
Recently more and more of my users reported delayed (up to 40 minutes) or missing Two-Step-Verification eMails. I contacted the service provider (I am using SMTP sending from XF) and they told me everything would be okay on their end, no logs showed any problems. I also did check the Server logs and XF logs but can't find anything odd or any error beside some bounced eMails from the past, but nothing related to the Two-Step-Verification.
Is there something that could block the Two-Step-Verifaction or delaying eMails on the code side? Can add-ons influence it? Where would I need to look?
Thanks in advance
Is there something that could block the Two-Step-Verifaction or delaying eMails on the code side? Can add-ons influence it? Where would I need to look?
Thanks in advance