XF 1.5 Default theme breaks


So iv been having this problem for a while, and nothing seems to be fixing it.

usually, the theme is ok when logged in but broke when not. and it can happen another way round.

I have disabled all catches and plugins and it still seems to happen.
What is broken about it? Can you post the URL so I can see the problem?

I assume by "default theme" you mean one that is uncustomized. In that case any conditional breakage may be the result of an addon.
yes this is the url, goo.gl/pBWGcb

on mobile or desktop, when you sometimes click the info panel it doesn't show properly, or when n sometimes you go view other threads its like the theme is completely gone.

This happens on a random basis, and i have disabled all my add-ons, and it still happens.
If it's random then it is difficult for me to work with. I need to be able to reproduce the problem to begin to debug it.

If you come up with a reliable way to reproduce it please let me know.

or when n sometimes you go view other threads its like the theme is completely gone.

That sounds like the CSS failing to load. There are many possible reasons for this. If I can reproduce the problem then I might be able to see what is going on.
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