XF 2.2 default template showing as customised (may be a bug??)

Mr Lucky

Well-known member
In my style list of customised components I see one that is default

However if I view the template custom changes there is no indication (either green added or red removed) and checking with Diffmerge it is identical to default.

I'd report it as a bug but I don't see how it can be as it's just the one file???

Any ideas? Or maybe it was a beta 1 bug that is fixed

Screenshot 2020-10-01 at 10.21.19.webp
If the template was saved in a style, even if you didn't change it, you're creating a customized version (and thus has the behavior of other customizations, including not being automatically updated). If you go to the template list in that style and find the message_macros entry, it'll likely have the red bar, indicating it has been customized in that style.

Assuming this wasn't really intentional, you can revert it.
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