Default Layout of xenforo looks very plain


New member
Will it be final or will be improved ?

I expect vista type background instead of plain color of gray.

How about user selecting a wallpaper of their own for the background of forum ..
Will it be final or will be improved ?

I expect vista type background instead of plain color of gray.

How about user selecting a wallpaper of their own for the background of forum ..

I think they whole point of the default theme is for it to be a blank canvas something for YOU to improve upon so I hope it doesn't make any changes before release.
I think they whole point of the default theme is for it to be a blank canvas something for YOU to improve upon so I hope it doesn't make any changes before release.
Blank canvas is putting it rather strongly, since a lot of admins including me, like default themes with only minor changes (logo, header, ads, few footer changes). But for a site that wants a very personal theme, I understand your point of course.
I think they whole point of the default theme is for it to be a blank canvas something for YOU to improve upon so I hope it doesn't make any changes before release.

I don't consider the default a blank canvas so much as a starting point. The default has to be a good looking theme on it's own right for it to transfer well to other themes.

Blank canvas is putting it rather strongly, since a lot of admins including me, like default themes with only minor changes (logo, header, ads, few footer changes). But for a site that wants a very personal theme, I understand your point of course.

Even heavily modified themes need a solid foundation to start with and this one has that. And you're right, many admins just want minor changes.

on my 22"LCD Monitor looks tooo plain really .. please keep wallpaper option we can browse the forum with what we like. IPB,VB has profile customisation where we can keep our own background. But thats not good.

We need background for forum browsing too.

currently its,
background: #f0f0f0;

we want like this feature
if user has choosen customized image for background
background: #f0f0f0 url(;
otherwise default
background: #f0f0f0;
you people are living in dark ages with 14" monitors.

Go and buy a 24" LCD and browse the forum. YOu will say its too plain or uncompleted.
Did your monitor grow 2 inches or do you just have a 2-inch bigger expectation? :confused:
Does a 22" count? That's what I have. :)
I'm sure 22" is fine ;)

I find this skin to be plain, sleek and professional and I love it. I will, of course, customise it though.
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