XF 2.1 Default Avatar Image


New member
Hi! I looked around but couldn't find an answer for a doubt I had regarding the default avatar image problem I have.

@Thriller Bark and myself work together, and we did every step to have a default image for every new member, however, even though it shows everywhere on the site (profiles, profile comments, guests, members online...) it doesn't show on thread posts/PM posts as shown below.


I would really appreciate some help regarding this matter :(
Presumably you have set the options here?

Yeah, we did like that ^^

Can you link to a post where the avatar isn't showing?
Here is a link of a post made from a new member: https://thrillerbark.com/threads/pirate-straw-hat-luffy-fanclub.343/post-13283
When you set a default image like that, it's inserted as a CSS background instead of inserting an image directly. That paired with your custom CSS of setting the images to width: auto and height: auto, it's causing a conflict.

Try this in extra.less, it should get you pointed in the right direction.

.message-cell--user .avatar.avatar--default.avatar--default--image {
    width: 150px;
    height: 300px;
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I have another problem regarding this default avatar. I apologize for the incovenience :(

Here is the print of the bug:


For some reason the code given to me previously also works in the profile posts. I tried to change my other codes and even this one you gave me, but I failed so far. If it's not asking much, can you help me out again?

You can find the problem in my profile in Thriller Bark here: https://thrillerbark.com/profile-posts/75/
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