XF 2.1 DB table conversion time UTF8mb4


Active member
Has anyone run the conversion to UTF8mb4 to accomodate for emojis? Wondering how long it might take. I just have no idea if it will be 10 minutes or 10 hours. If you have please include your db size and or post count for reference. Server info could help too. And your root password!

Once we run it I will provide details as well. Minus the root password 😉
Depends on your DB size, DB server hardware & configuration.

We haven't done XF upgrades so far, only migration from other systems (vBulletin phpBB, WBB) so I can't tell first hand experience.
Though I certainly wouldn't expect it to take hours unless your forum is really big (over 10M posts) and/or your DB server is really slow.
Probably smth. like 30+ minutes for 10M posts on a somewhat decent server.

PS: Root password is 1337_p4ssw0rd ;)
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