XF 1.4 Data directory


Well-known member
I've used for a while [bd] Attachment Store [Paid] to store all my attachments in another server, not the one running XF and I've not keeped local copies of the attachments.

Now I've setup a true cdn and I'd need to move back on my server all the attachment directory but the problems is that the remote one and the local one are completely different like this


Schermata 2015-07-09 alle 15.44.42.webp


Schermata 2015-07-09 alle 15.44.25.webp

So my fear is that if I copy back all the files and folder and disable BD Attachment store, I loose all the attachments.

Anyone has some suggestion on ho to do that?
You would have to ask the author of that add on. If they have significantly changed the directory structure then it will likely break.

I vaguely recall there may have been a feature to allow migrating back to local attachments in that add on, but xfrocks would likely have a better answer.
Thanks Chris, I've asked @xfrocks and I'm waiting for a reply. Just asked here since I'd like to know if the structure of the standard attachment directory is the same as mine divided per year and month. In the plugin there isn't such a feature unfortunately.
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