[cXF] Similar Threads by AndyB in Sidebar

[cXF] Similar Threads by AndyB in Sidebar 1.0.2

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When using it with [bd] Widget Framework choose renderer [Advanced] Template and NOT [Advanced] Template (without wrapper). Also you can add the code I gave you in conversation.
I have just changed thos , but I get a double "wrapper" now. It looked better with [Advanced] Template (without wrapper).
Yes, I can see, I guess you're using both now: my code I gave you before and renderer with wrapper. Remove the code!
Yes, I can see, I guess you're using both now: my code I gave you before and renderer with wrapper. Remove the code!
Perfect :)

Thank you for the assistance.

It might be worth adjusting your documentation to mention which template to use ?
@BassMan Any plans of porting it to XF 2?
No, because @AndyB already add an option with a widget. You can set this widget to thread view sidebar position.

From Similar threads overview page:

Creating optional widget:

This widget is used to display a similar threads block in the thread view sidebar.

  1. Admin Control Panel -> Appearance -> Widgets
  2. Widget definition = Similar threads
  3. Widget key = similar_threads
  4. Title = (leave blank)
  5. Display in positions = Thread view: Sidebar
  6. Click Save.
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