[cXF] Remove username link

[cXF] Remove username link [Paid] 1.2.0

No permission to buy (€18.00)
BassMan updated [cXF] Remove username link with a new update entry:


  • XenForo 2.2 compatibility update

Note: you'll find two ZIP files when downloading. One for XF 2.1 and one for XF 2.2. Please, make sure to use the right version.

XenForo 2.2 is currently still in beta stage and it is not recommended to use it in production, but if you'd like to install the add-on on your test forum to check it out, now you can. This add-on may get another compatibility update before the XenForo 2.2 "gold" release.

Read the rest of this update entry...
I love the add-on! Thanks!

How about removing those linked dates next to the topic starter username? There is a sense in dates being there, but what is the reason to link it to a thread page, when there is a big linked thread title already... Just extra 20 links per page, with useless keywords in them. )
I love the add-on! Thanks!

How about removing those linked dates next to the topic starter username? There is a sense in dates being there, but what is the reason to link it to a thread page, when there is a big linked thread title already... Just extra 20 links per page, with useless keywords in them. )
Thank you. I'll check this out when I find some more time.
How about removing those linked dates next to the topic starter username? There is a sense in dates being there, but what is the reason to link it to a thread page, when there is a big linked thread title already... Just extra 20 links per page, with useless keywords in them.
This, 1000%!
If the thread has one or more unread posts the title points to the first unread post, the date points to the first post in the thread. That's the difference.
So weird. This addon seems not working on my 2.2.13. Changed to default to style no changes as well.
So weird. This addon seems not working on my 2.2.13. Changed to default to style no changes as well.
It is working normally for me. I need some more information about why it is not working. Check user permissions for this add-on.
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