[cXF] Mobile logo header

[cXF] Mobile logo header

Thanks, nice app.
But I have my logo on the left, another ad on the right. Both appear on mobile.
I just want the main logo on the left to appear.

If this is in your header advertisement position, you can add a class to your div and hide it on mobile.
If this is in your header advertisement position, you can add a class to your div and hide it on mobile.

Yes, it's in the ad position. I don't understand how to do it.

<a target="_blank" href="https://www.maasmutemeti.com/forum/kategori/maas-parametreleri.215/"><img src="https://www.maasmutemeti.com/forum/styles/default/xenforo/katsayılar_ocak_2022_3.png" alt="" width="285" height="111" class="" /></a>
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Change your first <div> to something like <div class="header-ad">.

Then add this code to your extra.less template:

@media (max-width: @xf-responsiveMedium) {
    .header-ad {
        display: none;

I've tried to insert this code on iO theme, but the logo does not appear in the mobile navigation

I have just tested this and it works on iO style, but probably my iO style is outdated. If I can see this on the live site it would be helpful. You can PM me.
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