[cXF] Enhanced Search Forum Widget

[cXF] Enhanced Search Forum Widget [Paid] 1.2.0

No permission to buy (€25.00)
The replies indicator is causing this problem. There is too little space.

There are several solutions for your case.

1. You can decrease the padding for article footer:
.cxf-esfw-2 .message--articlePreview .articlePreview-footer {
    padding: 0 5px;

2. You can remove the share icon:
.cxf-esfw-2 .u-flexStretch {
    display: none;

3. You can remove replies:
.cxf-esfw-2 .message--articlePreview .articlePreview-replies {
    display: none;

4. You can change the code for replies (the icon will show above the count):
.cxf-esfw-2 .message--articlePreview .articlePreview-replies {
    white-space: normal !important;
    text-align: center;
Thanks, I went with option 2 (but needed!important )

It also worked to remove the date/time.

Anyway all sorted now great support!
Associated with the above, I got this today:

Screenshot 2023-03-03 at 16.22.03.webp

So the NEW indicator in this forces the top left one to be wider and the one next to it narrower.

Once I read the new posts in the thread all back to normal.
Screenshot 2023-03-03 at 16.22.19.webp
Yes, thank you for this. If you're using it in the sidebar then this can happen.
Yes, it is a sort of trade off. But realised the NEW indicator is probably more useful than the date and replies so keeping that in and removed replies as well as shares. All fine now.
Hi @BassMan - curious if there's a way to make search forum widget images appear without having to also show/attach the images in the threads.

For example, one of my threads that gets displayed in my homepage search forum widget is shown below. Notice I've had to attach the stock image I'm using so it will appear in the search forum widget. It'd be great if I was able to associate the image with the thread for purposes of the displaying the search forum widget without having to actually attach the photo. Is there any way to do this?



However if you want the attached images to show in the widget preview but not in the post, just resize it in the post to 1px.

It will not be visible in the post then but still show in the widget preview
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