[cXF] Advanced Footer

[cXF] Advanced Footer [Paid] 2.3.2

No permission to buy (€25.00)
Bought this ages ago, so as I'm confined to home, have only just got round to installing it.

Unfortunately, am getting a ton of server errors:

Any ideas?

XF\CssRenderException: Error rendering template public:cxf_advanced_footer.less: ParseError: Unexpected input in public:cxf_advanced_footer.less on line 3620, column 22 (on or near line 3620)

Generated by: Unknown account

The footer's looking like this:
Screenshot 2020-03-27 at 16.21.22.webp

Screenshot 2020-03-27 at 16.22.41.webp
Hm, have you changed something in cxf_advanced_footer.less template?

Also, make sure you're running the latest version with the latest XenForo.
Yes, it certainly looks as though something in the cxf_advanced_footer.less template has been changed.

How do I revert it back to the original?
Go to templates, find that template and see if it’s in read. Then click the X button on the right.

Something is not ok, also check template modification for this add-on if all numbers are in green.
Am trying to change the blue background that runs through 'Contact Webmaster, Terms and rules, Privacy policy and Help.

Where would I find that?

Screenshot 2020-04-08 at 17.58.00.webp
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